Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Spending Sunday in the Kitchen

Late summer is apple season in my part of the world.  
The crisp color and taste of Granny Smith apples make me smile.

Here they are, prepped for apple pie.

The completed pie, a request from my daughter in honor of her birthday. 

My white galley kitchen has loads of open shelves for displaying everyday dishes and glassware, along with a few treasures.

In addition to pie-baking, I tackled the stained porcelain of the kitchen sink.  This sink was probably installed in the 1950's, judging by the pattern on the formica that surrounds it.  It has seen many years of abuse and neglect, leaving some stains deeply etched into the porcelain.  

This was the sink after cleaning it out with regular dish soap.

My first round of serious stain treatment involved making a paste of baking soda and peroxide, scrubbing it into the basin, and letting it sit for about 15 minutes.

Some improvement was made.

The next phase involved using oxy clean and letting it sit on the surface for 15 minutes.

The final product, while not perfect is certainly a major improvement. I can live with it if or until we decide to replace it.  My fondness for old porcelain over cast iron fixtures runs deep-- they feel so solid and timeless.
 I used the same approach on the cast iron bathtub, which was not as badly worn, and all the stains disappeared.

After traveling earlier in the month, this is what I have been up to.  This week I started back to work.  How are you enjoying the last weeks of summer?


  1. Im so glad you came by my blog today so I could get to yours. When you show up on my bloglist and I click to visit it says that I cannot get to your blog. But I am here now through your profile. I LOVE your new white kitchen...and sink. Oh and that apple pie, yum!

  2. I hadn't been able to visit for awhile for the same reason and I do love visiting you. I wanted to say that where ever you have lived it feels as if you have been there forever you have a beautiful way of making home.


Your thoughts are always greatly appreciated. Thank you for visiting!


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