Sunday, August 7, 2011

It's been awhile...

"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged
to find the ways in which you, yourself, have altered."

~ Nelson Mandela

Hello, dear friends,

It seems that through a little bit of luck

and the assistance of a very generous spirit,

I am back again.

My blogging was truncated when I left my home of 16 years

and set off for new adventures,

leaving behind the technology

that had enabled me to blog in the first place.

Starting over.

There is such freedom in those words.

My heart swelled with it.

Now it is a year later (almost),

and my life has taken a wondrous turn.

I have moved again, to a tiny house in the country,

sitting on 10 lovely wooded acres.

I am surrounded by green earth and ever-changing skies.

How have I changed through this process?

I am more centered and confident in my abilities.

I am no longer held back by fear or doubt.

I know that all change must come from within

and is then reflected without.

And I know now that it is never too late.

Things happen in their own time,

and we must be aware, open and accepting

when they come knocking on the front door.

Every change comes bearing a gift.

All we need to do is accept it.

Until next time,



  1. Hi Anne ..... and welcome back to the blogging world. It sounds as if you have found yourself a beautiful spot to live and that life is good. I wish you much happiness and good times in your new home. Much love. XXXX

  2. Thank you for sharing little bits of your self during your quiet change. I love your post they make me want to go someplace and get still.10 acres huh? Sounds beautiful its just what you wanted.Have a good week Anne

  3. Dear Anne,
    I have really missed your are such a beautiful writer and dear person. Where is your new little home?
    Love, Carla

  4. Anne, I am always so happy to see that you have posted. When I see your little icon in my blogroll, it really makes me smile. Especially today that I see you are ok and gaining strength and the things that make you happy. You certainly deserve to find peace and happiness. Welcome back to blogging.

  5. yes change comes whether we like it or not. it's the only constant. better to embrace it than fight it. your 10 wooded acres sound like heaven to me anne.


  6. Best wishes in your new place! I have 2200 square feet of land. As Janet said, 10 acres sounds like heaven.


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