In this dining room there is a mix of textures-- stone flooring, wicker, natural-finish wood, linen, glass, plant material, painted wood (trim). Each element is like a note in a chord, each chord follows the next to create both melody and harmony. The overall effect is soothing to the eye, and yet subtly stimulating to the senses. And of course, there is an abundance of natural light.

I adore this kitchen for its "unfitted" look, bringing a timeless Eurpoean aesthetic into an American Victorian home. Once again there is a variety of finishes and natural materials in this space. Despite the pale colors, there is enough contrast to keep the eye roving and entertained. I especially love the aged finish on the cabinet doors paired with the smooth marble countertop.

Texture plays a starring role in the living room of the same home as the kitchen above, from the velvety upholstery, to the wicker settee, to the plaster angel wing on the wall. The latte-colored walls and sepia photograph add a dramatic note without overpowering the rest of the room.

This entry sports one of my favorite finishes--painted wood walls. The vertical lines of the paneling draw the eye upward to increase the sense of spatial volume in this small space, a trick I have used in my own home. I also love the nubby linen upholstery and ragged, faded rugs.
All of these rooms share a neutral pallette, a mixture of finishes, natural materials, and multiple layers of texture. For me, these are the elements that make a home comfortable and cozy, a space I would hesitate to leave.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
Until next time...
Beautiful pictures. I love, love, love that kitchen.